Introduction to Logic-Based AI
The Inaugural Edition, Launching September 3, 2024!!
Mon Thu 4p–5:50p NY Time @ RPI; Classroom TBD
Course-Code Options: CSCI-4972-01COGS-4961-01PHIL-4961-01
Instructor: Selmer Bringsjord

Course Encapsulation

This course is an introduction to logic-based artificial intelligence (AI). We learn techniques for designing and engineering AIs with human-level (or higher) cognitive intelligence, enabled by automated reasoning as the cornerstone for: planning, learning, decision-making, communicating, creativity, and perceiving. A special emphasis is placed upon giving AIs intellectual powers that are beyond the reach of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and other so-called “foundation models,” which, based as they are on statistical/numerical machine learning (e.g. deep learning, which is driven by data stripped of logical meaning and structure), are congenitally (and dangerously) prone to poor performance in applications that require high precision and accuracy, and/or require formally verified correct behavior. We thus direct our attention to solving the very problem currently occupying the first-rate minds of many at companies in the AI sector of the economy, e.g. Google. Thus those who succeed in this course will be in position to offer such companies skills that are increasingly sought, but are in very short supply. We explore how to remedy the deficiencies of LLMs with AI based on computational logics, from the propositional calculus, through fragments of first-order logic crucial for the World Wide Web’s productive operation, on up to logics needed to model and simulate very high levels of human and machine intelligence. Our programming paradigm is logic programming, introduced and taught from scratch, starting slowly from so-called “Horn Logic.”

Three added bonuses are:

  1. much of the teaching in this course will revolve around playing and analyzing fun games of logic and logical reasoning;
  2. coverage of AI-relevant quantum computing, analyzed by way of formal logic;
  3. and coverage as well of not only “straight” AI, but also so-called artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Prerequisites: Standard high-school math progression with Algebra 2 (or equivalent) through some calculus; some prior study of formal logic and proofs; and some prior programming (in at least one or more procedural or functional languages; no prior experience with logic programming necessary). No particular courses must’ve been taken in order to qualify.

Visitors: The course will be simulcast in such a way that visitors will be allowed to attend by Zoom (up to a size cutoff). This contingent will be determined by the policy of first come, first served, implemented when the Zoom links are published later, on an expanded version of the present page.

Questions? Email SB at

Author: Selmer Bringsjord

Created: 2024-04-28 Sun 23:03

Emacs (Org mode 8.2.10)
